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If You Need Me

My Darling, I promised you
And I meant it  so
I will always be here
So never let go
What you are going through
Is so very scary
But Darling, just call to me
You don't have to be wary
As I told you before
I'm always right here
To ease your fears
And wipe away your tears
You can lay back
And get lot's of rest
I am here for you
Just put me to the test
I know you are frightened
I'm right by your side
I can't do it by myself
So God is along for the ride
He's always been here
All day and all night
We keep cheering you on
Saying, *Fight Dick Fight*
We know you can do it
Your faith is so strong
Hang in there my Darling
We'll be going home before long
Author:  Delilah M. (Dede) Haas
Copyright: 4-28-02
I want to dedicate this page to my
Loving Hubby *Dick*
I wrote this poem when Dick was in the
University Hospital in Madison, Wis.
having just undergone the most major
heart surgery the hosp. or doctor have
ever seen or been involved with.
(April 26-02)
He had a 2% chance of coming off the
operating table, but God had other plans.
Go here to read all about it:

Dick's Testimony