Please allow time for page to load as it has lots to load but is worth the wait....Dede

Happy Anniversary
My Darling

Seems like only yesterday
We decided to *tie the knot*
We were so in love
So we decided, "Why not?"
Oh yes, we've had our up's and downs
Like any other married couple
But we've weathered the storms
As we've gotten together to cuddle
We've always believed in the little things
And we love to reminisce
We love holding hands
And I love it when you steal a kiss
With love comes honesty and respect
And always being there  for each other
Being there day after day
Always showing kindness to one another
What I feel for you is so rare
It's so unconditional and fair
You've made my dreams come true
There's no one who loves me like you do
You care so earnestly and intently
And you give of your love so freely
Therefore it is so easy to love you
Before you, on love, I hadn't a clue
We do not have many worldly goods
But my needs you've always understood
You, my darling, are my closest friend
And you will be until the very end
Early on we knew we needed help
So now our marriage consists of three
We invited in a third party
There's God first, then Dick & me
Oh, we still have our trials and tribulations
But it's much easier now
With God at the helm
When we are thrown a curve or foul
I wish you love and happiness
Every single day of your life
You are definitely *The Man of my Dreams*
And I am so very proud to be your wife
I am all yours forever more
Until God in Heaven opens the door
Author: Delilah M. (Dede) Haas
Copyright: 2-15-04
I'd like to dedicate this page to my
wonderful hubby, *Dick*
I Love You With All
My Heart & Soul
My Darling!


Page put together by Jimmy