"Dede's Walk With God"

Friends Forever

You always have been there
For me and my man

This surely is a blessing
Certainly, God's plan.

We can never repay you
For all you have done

You sure have made our days
A lot more fun.

My web-site you created
Is one of the best

We love you, our good friend
This isn't said in jest.

As a *Special* Friend
You are the greatest

May God bless you always
You are one of the best.

We will always be thankful
That our path's crossed

Cause without you, our friend
We'd surely be lost.

The prayers you have prayed
The requests you have gotten

The pages you have made
Your *Unconditional Love* will
Never be forgotten.

Author : Dede Haas
Copy write 10-06-02
Written for our friend Jimmy

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           "Dede's Walk With God"

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Page put together by Jimmy