"Dede's Walk With God"

Man Of Control

I'm your wife, not your daughter
You've shredded all my self esteem
I can do nothing to please you
You continually emotionally abuse me

I'm at my breaking point
We need help, you refuse
You have to *win* at everything
Therefore all I can do is lose

If I don't shut up when told to
I live with your abusive threats
I've lived like this for many years
So many years of regret

You make your rigorous demands
You are such a perfectionist
You make hundreds of rules
All written down on a list

I have to obey or else
The price I have to pay
I've called Dr. Phil for help
I can't take any more - no way

I want a mate who trusts me
And respects my opinion
I want our home to be a safe haven
Not one that I want to run from

I heard Dr. Phil say" A home should
be a safe place to fall."
I can't agree more
Man, you have a lot of gall

I want to feel loved and safe
I want us to be a team
So, listen here, Buddy
This is the end of your dream

From now on we work together
It's going to be a give and take situation
I want our marriage to work
If things don't change, you can take
A permanent vacation.

Delilah M. (Dede) Haas

I was watching Dr. Phil with my youngest
daughter Julie and the abusive man made me
very angry. I was inspired to write the above poem.
Ladies, seek help if you are in an abusive relationship.
No one deserves to be abused, man or woman!
God did not intend for us to live with abuse.




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           "Dede's Walk With God"

Music: Tears Will Never Stain

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