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"Count Your Blessings"


Count your many, many blessings
God has given us, oh, so much
And we take it all, oh, so for granted
We've gotten so *out of touch*.
There's the air we breathe
The sun to give us warmth and light
The water we drink and bathe in
Without these we'd sure have a plight.
There's family and friends everywhere
Homes, employment and recreation
Food, vehicles, the church we worship in
And what about the opportunity of education.
Animals for pets, some for food
There's technology so progress can be made
There's forgiveness of our sins
The price has already been paid.
I could go on and on forever
And not even make a dent
In the list of blessings we've been given
God did it all, when His Son, He sent.
Wake up folks, before it's too late
He gave us books to read
Clothes and shoes to wear
We put Him on the cross and watched Him bleed.
Still Jesus forgives us
As we daily sin 
Give your heart and life to Jesus
It's the only way to win.
As He hung dying on the cross
He was still thinking of me and you
His last words were words of love
"Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
Author: Delilah M. (Dede) Haas

Dede's Note: Do you count your blessings daily and thank God for them? We all take things for granted, but if we continue on this path, it will be too late. The greatest blessing we could ever receive was when God gave us the *gift* of His Son, so that we might have eternal life. If you do not know about how to receive eternal life, go to my Salvation page……
God Bless You Always My Friend!




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