"Dede's Walk With God"

Working For God

It's been several years now that I have been
                             *Working For God*
Nothing makes me happier at this point in my life.
Sometimes when I think I am going to bed to sleep, and all is calm and quiet, it's then that He decides to talk to me. His precious words come ever so quickly and I know I need to get back up and get a pen so I won't lose His wonderful message that He's giving to me.
I know now that there isn't much on this earth worthwhile enough to be concerned with, except for the love of other human beings. Nothing, is what we came into this world with, and nothing, is what we will leave it with, with the exception of the possibility of knowing where we might be headed. I think we'll all, at least have a good idea.
Personally, I am going to do everything in my power to bring as many souls to our Loving Savior, Jesus Christ while I am left here on earth as I now know that is what He planned for me to do. I want to be with God, in heaven, when I cease to exist on this earth. I'd like to think that when I arrived in heaven, I would get to see all my friends and loved ones. That gives me such a warm and tranquil feeling.
If you are wondering how to be sure you can go to heaven one day, all you have to do is click on my Salvation button and it is all  explained there. May God continue to guide and bless you in your daily life and travels in His precious Word.


Loving You In Christ Jesus......    Dick & Dede



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           "Dede's Walk With God"


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