"Dede's Walk With God"



The Seven Statements From The Cross

First Statement:
"Father forgive them for they know not what they do". 
He did not pray, in that dark hour, for His loved ones first or for His friends. He prayed for His enemies. He modeled exactly what He was taught. Do you realize that you are in need of the Father's forgiveness? 


Second Statement:
"Today you will be with me in Paradise".
His second statement was in answer to a prayer. His second statement was an answer to that criminals prayer for forgiveness. Have you realized and confessed Jesus as your personal Savior? 


Third Statement:
"Woman, behold your son".
The Lord was thinking about the needs of His mother and her future on Earth. Jesus is concerned and provides for all of us. 


Fourth Statement:
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?"
Jesus was forsaken so we don't have to be. It was at this
moment that I believe Jesus bore all the sins of the world.
Every wicked thing ever done by every person was poured
on Jesus at that very moment. In my opinion, it was God's
most painful moment. 


Fifth Statement:
"I thirst."
This personal statement reminds us that Jesus is not only God, but He also was man. Jesus identifies with our needs.
 "I thirst". was the first words from the lips of our Lord of a personal nature. This was not merely just a casual thirst. This was a thirst produced by a tremendous loss of blood. This very One who created water was crying out for just a few drops to quench this insatiable thirst. 


Sixth Statement:
"It is finished".
Our sin is paid for and sin's control over our lives is broken! It
is all paid - no more debts left. Jesus has done all this for you
and for me. Finished was our salvation. All our sins were
transferred to Jesus when He hung on the cross, and
righteousness was transferred to our account. Satan's
stronghold on humanity was finished. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we no longer have to be under the power  of Satan. 


Seventh Statement:
"Into your hands I commit My spirit".
You can entrust your life into God's hands". 
Although Satan played a part in tempting both Judas Iscariot and Peter in the Passion of the Christ (see Luke 22:3;  Luke 22:31), the crucifixion was not the result of Satan's doing. It was Jesus Christ's intended purpose to die on the cross for the sins of the world, (John 3:16). 


Here are the reasons Christ died on the cross for us:
To bring us into a right relationship with God. Our sin has separated us from God. In order to restore our relationship with God, He sent His Son to pay the penalty of our sins. That penalty was the cross.
To forgive us of our sins and the guilt that accompanied them. The Bible makes it clear that without this shedding of blood, we cannot  be forgiven of our sins. Jesus then came to die as a once-and-for-all sacrifice to forgive us of our sins and free us from it's guilt.
To satisfy the radical requirement of the holiness of God. God's holiness made a penalty for sin necessary. Jesus paid that penalty by experiencing God's wrath and separation from Him on the cross. He was forsaken of God so we didn't have to be. He was forsaken for a time that we might enjoy God's presence forever.
To perform the righteous requirements of the law. Jesus lived the perfect life we were required to live and took the punishment that we deserved.
These are some of the reasons Jesus Christ died. Our sins put Him on that cross two thousand years ago. The ending of the Passion of the Christ is the beginning of the happiest story ever told. It is the story of how God became a man so He could die for our sins and so we could be friends with Him once again. He did it for you and for me.



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